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Joe Manchin

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Aug 24, 1947

Joseph "Joe" Manchin III was born in Fairmont


Joe Manchin graduated from Farmington High School

Aug 05, 1967

Joe Manchin married Gayle Conelly


Joe Manchin's family shoe store burned

Other events that happened on or around 1968


Joe Manchin graduated from WVU with a bachelor's in business administration

Other events that happened on or around 1970

Nov 02, 1982

Joe Manchin was elected to the House of Delegates

Other events that happened on or around November 02, 1982

Nov 04, 1986

Joe Manchin was elected to the West Virginia Senate

Other events that happened on or around November 04, 1986

Nov 08, 1988

Joe Manchin was reelected to the West Virginia Senate

Other events that happened on or around November 08, 1988


State Senator Joe Manchin opposed a plan to sell off state owned liquor stores

Nov 03, 1992

Joe Manchin was reelected to the West Virginia Senate

Other events that happened on or around November 03, 1992


State Senator Joe Manchin threatened a filibuster to block a proposal to sell 7 state-owned hospitals

May 14, 1996

Nomination of Charlotte Pritt for governor in Democrat primary

Other events that happened on or around May 14, 1996


Joe Manchin first decided to run for governorship

Other events that happened on or around 1996


Joe Manchin announced his intention to run for governor in 2004

Other events that happened on or around 2003

May 11, 2004

Joe Manchin received 52% of the votes in the Democratic primary for governor

Other events that happened on or around May 11, 2004


Joe Manchin received key labor endorsements in the gubernatorial race

Nov 02, 2004

Joe Manchin was elected governor

Other events that happened on or around November 02, 2004

Nov 04, 2008

Joe Manchin was reelected governor

Other events that happened on or around November 04, 2008

Nov 02, 2010

Joe Manchin defeated John Raese in the Senate race to fill Robert Byrd’s unexpired term.

Other events that happened on or around November 02, 2010

Nov 15, 2010

Joe Manchin sworn in as senator

Other events that happened on or around November 15, 2010

Nov 06, 2018

Joe Manchin defeated Patrick Morrisey for the U.S. Senate

Other events that happened on or around November 06, 2018

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