Help Reference
The e-WV A-Z Tab
The e-WV A-Z tab will direct the user to a Web page allowing them to search for encyclopedia articles alphabetically, by category, or by keyword. To find an article alphabetically, the user can click one of the letter tabs lining the top of the page, which will refresh the page so that the user can see all the articles starting with that letter listed on the page.
On the e-WV A-Z tab the user can see Article categories listed on the left side of the page. If the user clicks on the title of a category (e.g., Agriculture) then the Web page will refresh to show them a list of all the articles associated with that category. If the category has any sub-categories (e.g., the History category has a sub-category for Black History), they will appear below the selected category on the left side of the page. Clicking on a sub-category title will cause the page to refresh again and display only the articles associated with the sub-category.
On the e-WV A-Z tab the user can see a search box, labeled with the “What are you looking for?” heading, located on the top left side of the page. If the user types a keyword or article title into the search box and then clicks the Go option, the Web page will refresh to show the “Search Results” page where any articles, authors, or other site content matching the search requirements will be listed. Underneath the search box on the e-WV A-Z tab the user can see the View a Random Article option. This option will choose a random article from the encyclopedia and then display it to the user.
To view the content of an article the user can click on the article’s title. This will direct the user to a page with the article body, its associated media, and any other options that may exist for the article (i.e., the Map this Article or Article Timeline options).