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Poem: "There’ll Be a Tomorrow"

   (For Clifton and Mary Bryant)

     In all my wanderings
     I’ve gone most to the poor
     who are adept at hiding pain.
     Sometimes the mountain man
     does it stolid, ox-like,
     revealing scant emotion.
     But I know there is a cry inside
     a flute song hungering for words
     and maybe a curse...

     On Cabin Creek I eat and sleep
     in the makeshift home
     of a disabled miner.
     Hurt lies heavy on the house
     but the deepest hurt is still unworded.

     There is a today on Cabin Creek—
     ghost town mining camps
     miners who sit idle
     drawing DPA checks
     while machines drag coal from under the mountains
     and bulldozers tear the mountains down
     mixing with cesspool creek filth—
     a today swallowed in poverty’s greedy gullet.

     There was a yesterday on Cabin Creek
     Paint Creek, Matewan, Logan—
     yesterday with heroes, heroines and hope—
     Mother Blizzard, Mother Jones
     and women ripping up rails and crossties
     that the Baldwin Felts armored train
     might not pass,
     a yesterday with Bill Blizzard
     and a hundred others indicted for treason
     by courts doing corporation bidding,
     a yesterday with Steve Mangus shot dead
     and the long march to Logan.
     Seven thousand Kanawha Valley miners
     with rifles, shotguns and pistols
     on the long march to Logan...


Source: Don West, Wild Sweet Notes: Fifty Years of West Virginia Poetry, 1950-1999, 2000.