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77th Feast of the Ramson

Location/County: Richwood, Nicholas
April 18, 2015

2015 Feast of the Ramson

April 18 at Richwood High Sschool Gym, Cafeteria & Richwood Middle Sschool Red Gym

Richwood’s “Feast of the Ramson” has been described as “the granddaddy of ALL Appalachian Ramp Feeds.” Legend has it that the first PUBLIC ramp feed was derived from a private meal, attended by thirteen ramp lovers. At this small gathering, the men decided to “go public” the following year.

There was much hoopla connected to that initial feed. Only men were invited and each male had to present a letter of permission to attend, submitted by his “next of kin,” that absolved the newly formed “National Ramp Society” of liability. Off to CCC Camp Cranberry they went to hear orations and tall tales. True mountain food was cooked over an open campfire. There was wild game of every variety and side dishes of homegrown vegetables. It was reported moonshine was the drink of choice. The keynote speaker was the Mayor of the City of Charleston.