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Clarence Watson Meadows

Feb 11, 1904

Clarence Watson Meadows was born in Beckley


Clarence Meadows received a law degree from the University of Alabama

Other events that happened on or around 1927

Nov 04, 1930

Clarence Meadows was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates

Other events that happened on or around November 04, 1930


Clarence Meadows married Nancy Massie

Other events that happened on or around 1934

Nov 03, 1936

Clarence Meadows was elected state attorney general

Other events that happened on or around November 03, 1936

Nov 05, 1940

Clarence Meadows was reelected state attorney general

Other events that happened on or around November 05, 1940


Clarence Meadows was appointed to fill the vacant 10th circuit judgeship by Governor Neely


Clarence Meadows was elected to a full term as 10th Circuit judge

Other events that happened on or around 1943

Nov 07, 1944

Clarence Meadows was elected governor of West Virginia

Other events that happened on or around November 07, 1944

Nov 03, 1947

Gov. Clarence Meadows dedicated Charleston's Kanawha Airport (now Yeager Airport)

Other events that happened on or around November 03, 1947


Clarence Meadows opened a law office in Charleston

Other events that happened on or around 1949


Clarence Meadows became ill and was hospitalized

Sep 12, 1961

Clarence Meadows died

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