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Results for fire

  • Forest Fires

    … pollution. There are disproportionately more fires in the southern coalfields, the … Forestry Commission began an aggressive fire prevention campaign, putting together a … forest protection, conservation, and forest fire prevention. Smokey Bear was introduced …

  • Fire Towers

    … one could pinpoint the location of the fire where the readings intersected on the map. This method is known as triangulation. Fire fighting crews were then dispatched to the scene to suppress the fire. Today, most wildfires are reported by citizens …

  • Hamlin

    … . Hamlin’s 20th-century history was marked by a disastrous courthouse fire in 1909, the construction of a new courthouse in 1911, … modern courthouse in the 1960s. Carroll High School was lost to fire in 1949 and replaced by Hamlin High, which was closed …

  • Alderson Broaddus University

    … this underscored the growing importance of the health sciences at Alderson-Broaddus. Rising from the ashes of historic Old Main Hall, destroyed by fire in 1978, was New Main, which opened in 1980 at a cost of $2 million. The 1990s were another time of …

  • Harpers Ferry Civil War Campaign

    … the 47 army regulars defending the arsenal. The Union soldiers set fire to the buildings and fled. The Virginians reacted quickly … s land, only a shadow of its former self. Artillery fire shattered homes and buildings; streets became avenues of accumulated …

  • Babcock State Park

    … other metal work were hand-forged on site by CCC workers. The landscape had been completely denuded of vegetation by disastrous fires that followed "logging": of the site. By the mid-1950s, the hillsides …

  • Hilltop House

    … changed over the years, resulting primarily from rebuilding after two fires. The Lovetts came to Harpers Ferry after the Civil War. … other government officials over the years. The hotel was damaged by fire in 1912 and 1919. The hotel closed in 2008. In …

  • Holly Grove

    … a dining ell at the northwest end extending north. A fire in 1832 destroyed most of the original interior wood trim … agencies until 2004, when concerns over handicapped access and outdated fire protection techniques led the state to abandon the building. …

  • Joseph Lawton Beury

    … & Ohio Railroad": arrived in September 1873. Beury left Quinnimont in 1876 to start the Fire Creek mines, also on New River, and later operated at Hawks Nest, Ansted, and other places. In 1884, he and …

  • Blackwater Falls

    … Porte Crayon’’). Strother revisited the Blackwater wilderness in the early 1870s. Timbered in the early 1900s and then ravaged by fires that burned the rich organic soil, the area suffered much environmental degradation. Today, much of the forest has grown …

  • Blakeley

    … Blakeley to John A. Washington III when he died in 1832. Blakeley burned in November 1864. The roof was destroyed in this fire, as was much of the second floor except for the outer walls. Owner Richard B. Washington rebuilt the burned portion on the …

  • Thurmond

    … highways through the region; historian Kyle McCormick said the rail town died of ‘‘good roads and a bad name.’’ A series of fires reduced Thurmond’s size. But the town prospered in a modest fashion through the end of steam railroading, which came in the …

  • Burning Springs Oil Field

    … Burning Springs": and set fire to the oil field. In reporting the spectacular results to … that it turned the Little Kanawha River into a ‘‘sheet of fire.’’ Production resumed a year later, and after the war …

  • Burning Springs Raid

    … raiders arrived on May 9 at "Burning Springs":, Wirt County. There they set fire to oil, oil tanks, engines for pumping, engine houses, wagons, and oil-laden boats. The boats exploded, sending burning …

  • Huntington State Hospital

    … 460 in 1956. In 1916, the name was changed to Huntington State Hospital. Tragedy struck the hospital November 26, 1952. A fire on the evening before Thanksgiving killed 14 patients, with three more later dying of injuries. In July 1958, a vocational …

  • Valley Falls State Park

    … &O moved troops and supplies through the region. In addition, many gunstocks were manufactured for the Civil War. In 1886, a fire burned much of the town, and two years later a flood destroyed many homes, buildings, bridges, and gristmills. After this, …

  • Volcano

    … the "Baltimore & Ohio Railroad":, a few miles away. A disastrous fire occurred in 1879, and the town was never completely rebuilt. The railroad was dismantled. A pipeline then conveyed local oil …

  • Washington Family

    … 1815 and 1820. The houses, both near Charles Town, suffered major fires and were rebuilt. There is one other well-known Washington home … was awakened by an armed group that took him to the fire-engine house at Harpers Ferry. There he became John Brown’s …

  • Canaan Valley

    … the 1880s and continued until the 1920s, taking all the virgin timber, mostly red spruce. Logging and subsequent "fires": sapped the rich organic soil, to the detriment of latter agricultural attempts …

  • Capitols of West Virginia

    … 3, 1921, the Victorian capitol was destroyed by a fire of unknown origin. A temporary wood-frame … when on March 2, 1927, it was completely destroyed by fire. After the 1921 fire, a State Capitol Commission was created to find a permanent location for a …

  • Capon Springs Resort

    … , including the Annex, now the resort’s main house. After Sale died in 1900, the resort began to stagnate. A 1911 fire destroyed the Mountain House, along with several nearby buildings. The 320-acre retreat was auctioned in 1932 and purchased by Lou …

  • West Virginia Baptist State Convention

    … Seminary and College, founded by Rev. R. J. Perkins, occupied four acres of the present grounds of the Baptist State Convention. Fire destroyed the building in 1908, and after two years the school closed. The Jones brothers of Red Star Coal & Coke …

  • Charleston Gazette-Mail

    … term in the U.S. Senate in 1917, he became publisher of the _Gazette_, borrowing money to keep the shaky paper afloat. After a fire in 1918 destroyed the newspaper’s plant at the South Side Bridge, the _Gazette_ built new offices on Hale Street, where it …

  • Kanawha County

    … .org/articles/2341 from Wheeling to Charleston in 1870, back to Wheeling in 1875, then permanently to Charleston in 1885. The famous fire of 1921 caused the capitol building to be relocated from downtown to its present east end site by 1932. World War I …

  • West Virginia University

    … /950 in Lewis County serves thousands of youth and adults annually, and it is the home of the West Virginia Fire Academy, a training center for volunteers and professional firefighters from the state and across the nation. West Virginia University …

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