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Results for coal

  • Bluefield

    … gathered banks, utilities, and the wholesale warehouses that stocked coal company stores in the booming "Pocahontas Coalfield& … ’s rich heritage of diversity. "Mechanization of the coal industry": and …

  • State Police

    … from attempts to unionize the state’s coal miners and the resulting resistance by the coal operators. "Governor John Jacob Cornwell":http://www. … to take sides in labor struggles. Coal companies paid some deputy salaries in …

  • Stony River

    … established the region’s first railroads, which brought in loggers to harvest the vast stands of spruce and northern hardwoods. Coal mining began about the same time. Virginia Electric Power Company built the Mount Storm Dam near the headwaters of the …

  • Boone County

    … places in Western Virginia where large-scale coal mining was undertaken before the coming … in 2010, and 654 in 2022. Coal extracted increased from approximately 6 million … no longer leads West Virginia in coal production, mining remains central to its …

  • Summers County

    … of factors led to the decline of the local economy. "Coal mining": technology changed, … —most importantly for Hinton—in 1954–55 the diesel locomotive replaced coal-fired steam power on the C&O. The …

  • Tony Boyle

    … articles/2241, which killed 78 men on November 20, 1968, Boyle infuriated mine workers by telling newsmen: ‘‘As long as we mine coal, there is always this inherent danger. This happens to be one of the better companies, as far as cooperation with our union …

  • J. G. Bradley

    … He soon became president of the Elk River Coal & Lumber Company, which had been buying … until the company paid its taxes. The coal company town of "Widen":http … . He was president of both the National Coal Association (1921–22), and the " …

  • Bramwell

    … Bramwell, superintendent of the Flat Top Coal Company (later the "Pocahontas Land … Bramwell was home to numerous wealthy coal operators who built substantial late Victorian … popular series of annual tours of coal operators’ homes, several of which had …

  • Surface Mining

    … particularly in southern West Virginia, according to coal historian Robert F. Munn, because the … of 157 million tons of West Virginia coal production. In 2009, it accounted for 56 … up or down depending on prevailing coal market trends. That year, about 80 …

  • Bretz Coke Ovens

    … built by the West Virginia Coal Company about 1903, and were … coke ovens there. His Elkins Coal & Coke Company put the … , until 1953, when the Mercury Coal & Coke Company purchased the … in 1975 as the Elkins Coal & Coke Company Historic District …

  • Ralph Swinburn

    … age 12, he was working on a small coal-hauling railway near Newcastle-upon-Tyne. There … Winifrede to work for the Paint Creek Coal & Iron Mining & Manufacturing Company. … opened where a large seam of bituminous coal had been found in 1850. After …

  • Brooke County

    … , beginning in the county in 1813. Coal mining started on a relatively small … , changing the face of the county. Coal, the river, and available flat bottomland … sheet metal and tin containers, plastic containers, coal, paper bags, tar and chemicals, electric …

  • William Purviance Tams Jr.

    … Tams launched his own company, Gulf Smokeless Coal, in the new Winding Gulf coalfield … his headquarters, and later acquired Wyoming Coal Company in neighboring "Wyoming County& … He authored the book, _The Smokeless Coal Fields of West Virginia_, and in …

  • I. E. Buff

    … complain that the death certificates of coal miners frequently listed the cause … the state’s 40,000 coal miners had black lung and … pneumoconiosis and the "Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act … ceiling on the amount of coal dust allowed in the mines …

  • Taylor County

    … Window Glass Company. There were "coal": … Leading industries in the county include coal, timber, plastics, glass, horticulture, and … largest employers were, respectively, Arch Coal, the county school system, Walmart, …

  • Sam Taylor

    … also stationed in "Mingo County": in the early 1920s, when striking miners battled coal company detectives. Taylor had served in the U.S. Army during "World War I":http://www.wvencyclopedia. …

  • Buffalo Creek Flood

    … left homeless. Residents of the closely knit coal towns were dispersed. Some eventually rebuilt … and water from the company’s coal preparation plant on Buffalo Creek, … and other persons who live near coal-refuse impoundments.’’ Pittston officials blamed the …

  • Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad

    … it connected to the "Coal & Coke Railway":http:// … railroad’s owner, Elk River Coal & Lumber Company, operated a … company was sold to Clinchfield Coal Company in 1958, the sawmill … recently as part of the coal-hauling Elk River Railroad in …

  • The Bull Moose Special

    The Bull Moose Special was an armored train deployed by the coal operators during the "Paint Creek-Cabin Creek Strike" … Later that night, Kanawha County Sheriff Bonner Hill, Paint Creek coal operator Quinn Morton, a number of deputies, mine guards, …

  • Thurmond

    … the burgeoning New River coalfield. Thanks to coal, Thurmond became a major revenue producer … a major rail yard, water and coaling facilities for steam locomotives, and maintenance … Thurmond. Goods poured in while the coal rolled out, and during its heyday …

  • Hungarians

    … considerable number after 1900. Many were recruited by agents of coal and manufacturing companies in their own country or when they … ": counties. Most were coal miners. The 1910 census lists a total of 5,939 …

  • Tolsia Highway

    … of traffic fatalities, many of them involving dangerously overloaded coal trucks, prompted some West Virginians to cite the Tolsia … Highway is part of another highway project, the King Coal Highway, a proposed four-lane highway stretching between Williamson …

  • Huntington

    … a gateway to the coalfields of southern West Virginia. "Coal": flowed to … . Part of the decline stemmed from sweeping cutbacks in coal mine employment as "automation":https://www.wvencyclopedia …

  • T. C. Townsend

    … , 1877-November 5, 1949) is most remembered for defending union coal miners on charges including treason during the 1922 trials arising … born in Fayette County. He grew up working in the coal mines, before saving enough money to attend "West Virginia …

  • Robert C. Byrd

    … as their own child. Titus Byrd was a coal miner and the family lived in several & … , though he was initially opposed by both the coal companies and "John L. Lewis": … general election. On January 3, 1959, the coal miner’s son took the oath of …

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